Codeignitor Web Development Packages

Codeignitor Web Development Packages

CodeIgniter is an open-source PHP framework used for web application development. CodeIgniter web development involves designing and building web applications using CodeIgniter as the underlying framework.

Here are some key aspects of CodeIgniter web development:
1.Rapid development: CodeIgniter is known for its ability to facilitate rapid web application development by providing a rich set of libraries, helpers, and plugins.

2.MVC architecture: CodeIgniter uses the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, making it easy to separate application logic, user interface, and database interactions.

3.Lightweight: CodeIgniter is lightweight and fast, making it an ideal choice for developing web applications that require speed and efficiency.

4.Security: CodeIgniter has built-in security features such as input filtering, XSS protection, and CSRF protection to help prevent common security vulnerabilities.

5.Extensible: CodeIgniter is highly extensible, allowing developers to create custom libraries, helpers, and plugins to add functionality and features to their web applications.

6.Modular: CodeIgniter has a modular architecture, allowing developers to break down their web applications into smaller, reusable components.

Overall, CodeIgniter web development is a powerful and flexible way to create web applications that are lightweight, fast, and secure. It’s easy to learn and use, making it a popular choice for developers who need to quickly build web applications with minimal setup and configuration.
Rapid development
MVC architecture

Benefits of Codeignitor Web Development

CodeIgniter web development offers several benefits for web application development:

Rapid development: CodeIgniter is a lightweight framework with a small footprint, making it easy to develop web applications quickly and efficiently.

MVC architecture: CodeIgniter uses the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, which separates the application logic, user interface, and database interactions. This makes it easy to develop and maintain complex web applications.

Lightweight: CodeIgniter is lightweight and fast, making it an ideal choice for developing web applications that require speed and efficiency.

Security: CodeIgniter has built-in security features such as input filtering, XSS protection, and CSRF protection to help prevent common security vulnerabilities.

Easy to learn: CodeIgniter is easy to learn and use, even for developers who are new to PHP web development.

Extensible: CodeIgniter is highly extensible, allowing developers to create custom libraries, helpers, and plugins to add functionality and features to their web applications.

Community support: CodeIgniter has a large and active community of developers who contribute to the framework’s development and provide support and resources to other developers.

Overall, CodeIgniter web development offers a powerful and flexible solution for web application development. It’s fast, secure, and easy to learn and use, making it a popular choice for developers who need to quickly develop web applications that are scalable and easy to maintain.


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₹ 10,000

Upto 5 Pages
Dynamic Website
Domain-1st Year Free
Hosting Free For 1st Year
1 Email – 500 MB Quota
1 Contact Form
Free SSL
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200 Rs – Content/Page
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Mobile Responsive
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Delivery in 3 Days
Renewal – 2000 Rs + Domain Price Plus GST
Support – 500 Rs/Hr


₹ 15,000

Upto 10 Pages
Dynamic Website
Domain-1st Year Free
Hosting Free For 1st Year
2 Email – 500 MB Quota
1 Contact Form
Free SSL
Gallery Section
Chat Feature
200 Rs – Content/Page
Social Profile Link
Facebook Page Creation
Click to Call/Email
Mobile Responsive
Login Details Will Be Given
Delivery in 7 Days
Renewal – 2000 Rs + Domain Price Plus GST
Support – 500 Rs/Hr


₹ 25,000

Upto 50 Pages
Dynamic Website
Domain-1st Year Free
Hosting Free For 1st Year
3 Email – 500 MB Quota
2 Contact Form
Free SSL
Gallery Section
Chat Feature
200 Rs – Content/Page
Social Profile Link
Facebook Page Creation
Click to Call/Email
Mobile Responsive
Login Details Will Be Given
Delivery in 3 Days
Renewal – 2000 Rs + Domain Price Plus GST
Call/Email/Chat Support


₹ 30,000

Upto 50 Pages
Dynamic Website
Domain-1st Year Free
Hosting Free For 1st Year
3 Email – 500 MB Quota
2 Contact Form
Free SSL
Gallery Section
Chat Feature
200 Rs – Content/Page
Social Profile Link
Facebook Page Creation
Click to Call/Email
Mobile Responsive
Login Details Will Be Given
Delivery in 3 Days
Renewal – 2000 Rs + Domain Price Plus GST
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